A little over 2 months ago my Grandmother passed away. She was 91 and we spent every Wednesday together. She lived in what we refer has "The Towers" in Laguna Woods - leisure world at it's finest. For those of you that aren't familiar, allow me to paint the picture...cruise ship living meets high rise condos. Bravo TV would have a winner on their hands here!
Finish Line at the Tower's "Marathon" & the famous hallway where we exchanged hellos with other residents and socialites.
Wednesdays were days I set aside to go to Stater Bros with her to get orange juice, honey buns, hot dogs, and various other bizarre foods. We would have lunch at Polly's Pies and finish the day watching Turner Classic Movies. Without getting way too mushy and emotional, it was the highlight of my week and yet always ended up in tears as I would drive away and knowing that the days were numbered.
The way she passed was abrupt but ultimately on her terms and in a way she always described in a non-mobrid way - "Hey, wouldn't it be great if I could just go to sleep and not wake up."
She and my grandfather had been married for 67 years by the time he passed two years ago. She was a mother of five, grandmother of seven, and great grandmother to five. Quick as a whip and twice as fast. Always dressed to the nines. Never wore a pair of jeans in her life. The minute she passed, the eve before my 28th birthday, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace knowing that she was on to the next. Reunited with the love of her life and also could better understand what I was doing with this crazy concept of our collective space and efforts.
My grandparents shortly after they were married. Grandma posing next to the families new car.
Once the fog started to wear off a little, I swear she was behind some of the exciting new projects, calls, and opportunities that started to flood by inbox. It was almost like she was saying "Geezs, why didn't you just say that what you were doing! - Here, let me help you out!"
I stumbled upon this yearbook picture of her. Ambition: To be really happy. Yeah, me too Grandma.
I started to spend my new found "extra day" meeting new people and learning more about what they were all about. The stories and connections being made not only left me completely inspired but also led to more conversations and seeking out even more people. The plan is to continue to connect and invite some of my creative friends to capture the interactions on film. We look forward to sharing these stories here on our blog and through our social media channels. If you or someone you know would be interested in collaborating, sharing your business or passion, and/or just joining in on the fun - please reach out to us and let's do this wednesday thang!
Michelle Mercado, SOURCED. creative director